Jim Sardonis, Sculptor

Project Description

Jim Sardonis is a sculptor and jewelry maker. His best known work is “Reverence,” the black granite diving whales’ tails that can be seen from Route 89 in So. Burlington, VT and subsequent “Whales’ Tails”, their matching pair in bronze in Randolph, VT. “Sounding” in bronze on a Verde base is a small version of a lower profile whale’s tail.

“Hearts and Hands – A Tribute to Health Care Workers” at the UVM Medical Center. “I designed this bronze and marble piece to honor all those heroic health care workers during the pandemic,” Sardonis said. The bench was made from verde antique marble with help from Tom Fabbioli in Rochester. “Tom and his sons, John and Peter, quarried the block and sawed and polished the two pieces in their shop in Barre,” Sardonis said. “Earlier in the spring, Bob and I brought the bronze figures to Barre to fit them to the bench and drilled holes to attach them.”

“Pair of Pears”, Marble. Part of Jim’s series of pears in stone and bronze, which emphasizes the human qualities of the pear form.

Each image was supplied by the artist. We welcome you to visit his website.