Rochester’s Vermont Verde Antique® Serpentine lens was discovered in the early 1900s and has been quarried nearly continuously since that time.
Visit Us and Watch Us Quarry Serpentine.
Quarry visitors are welcome ANYTIME.
Visitors are welcome to view quarry operations from an excellent observation area overlooking the quarry floor. Picnic tables and seating are provided for your convenience. We’re always amazed and honored by the variety of people who stop by the quarry to observe and photograph operations. Please use caution and respect posted safety rules.
The quarry is operated nine months of the year in the beautiful Green Mountains of Vermont. The quarry is closed for the months of January through March.
The quarry is located at 1490 Quarry Hill Road, off VT Route 100, just North of the National Forest Ranger Station, in Rochester, VT. The Vermont Verde quarry and architecture using our green serpentine are part of the Vermont Marble Trail (PDF), a self-guided tour.
Warehouse visitors are welcome BY APPOINTMENT ONLY.
We welcome your phone call year-round at 802-767-4421 and look forward to guiding you through the process of selecting your serpentine countertops or slabs from our extensive inventory. The warehouse is located nearby at 808 VT Route 100 in the center of Hancock, VT.
In North Hollow just prior to 1920, while prospecting for talc, a lens of metamorphic serpentine, commonly known as Verde Antique marble was discovered. Other strains of this marble were mined in Greece and Italy. This marble has a deep green background with white veining and is generally used for decorative and architectural purposes. The Vermont Marble Company in Proctor owned the quarry for most of the 20th century. *Text and images (above) are courtesy of the Rochester Historical Society.
Quarrying stone in the early 20th century was grueling and dangerous work, but an article published in a 1926 issue of The Vermonter lauds the ease of extraction and increase in production that “the age of electricity” had brought to the industry. The quarry has undergone considerable changes since. In 2001, photographer George Bellerose noted that “six men today can harvest as many blocks as the 90-man work force did dozens of years ago.” The current owners purchased the Vermont Verde Serpentine quarry in 2006, and can attest to the accuracy of that statement, although the work is still grueling and dangerous.
The Fabbioli family has expanded the Rochester quarry in both breadth and depth, and are now extracting the most dense and consistent Verde Serpentine the world has ever seen from the deepest part of the quarry. They also recently discovered and began extracting a line of green schist, which is softer and easier to split, making it perfect for landscape design and decorative uses. Green Mountain Schist is more subtle in its color which ranges from olive to pale gray-green and is visibly flecked with elongated minerals that give it variation and a bit of sparkle.

Cold As Stone
The Rochester quarry is dormant in winter, as operations cease. But there is a stark beauty to the place which has been the subject of many stunning photographs through the years.

On the Floor
Even with the best modern machinery, cutting enormous sixteen-foot blocks of stone and extracting them from the depths takes quite an effort and some gumption.

The View From Below
It’s a long way down, and a long way back up from the floor of the quarry. Looking up provides an interesting vantage point that most people will never get to see.
Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem sadips ipsums aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.
Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem sadips ipsums aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.
Vermont Verde Antique®, while having the “look” of marble, is actually a “serpentine” and classified as a hydrous magnesium silicate..
With the hardness and durability of most granite, and its low absorption rate and high flexural strength, it is an excellent choice for both interior and exterior uses.