Historical stone quarry in Vermont is introducing a new stone product, Green Mountain Schist


Current product line includes: pavers, pool surrounds, steps, wall caps, and other exterior products.

The Fabbioli family has expanded the Rochester quarry considerably in both breadth and depth in the years since they acquired it. They recently discovered and began extracting a line of green schist, which is softer and easier to split than serpentine, making it perfect for landscape design and decorative uses.

Green Mountain Schist is more subtle in its color, which ranges from olive to pale gray-green, and is visibly flecked with elongated minerals that give it understated variations and a bit of sparkle. It is beautiful, durable and resistant to weathering and staining, making it a wise investment for homeowners, landscape artists and builders.

Greenschists are metamorphic rocks that formed under the lowest temperatures and pressures usually produced by regional metamorphism, typically 300–450 °C and 2–10 kilobars. Greenschists commonly have an abundance of green minerals such as chlorite, serpentine, and epidote, and platy minerals such as muscovite and platy serpentine. The platiness gives the rock schistosity (a tendency to split into layers). Other common minerals include quartz, orthoclase, talc, carbonate minerals and amphibole (actinolite).

Vermont Verde Antique® Serpentine quarry Green Mountain Schist