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So far admin has created 2 blog entries.

Vermont Verde Launches New Website

Rochester, VT – We're very excited to announce that our new website launches on November 1 at vermontverde.com! We recognized that our dated site no longer reflected our significant growth in both the quarry and fabrication operations. We're reaching historic depths in the Rochester quarry, where we're bringing out the most beautiful and resilient [...]

By |2024-10-22T01:04:43-04:00September 19th, 2024|News|Comments Off on Vermont Verde Launches New Website

Introducing Green Mountain Schist

Rochester, VT – Vermont Verde Antique owner, Tom Fabioli, recently discovered a new material running adjacent to the historical Vermont Verde Serpentine quarry in Rochester, Vermont. The Fabioli's are introducing a new stone product to market, Green Mountain Schist, which they began extracting in 2023. The green schist is softer and easier to split [...]

By |2024-11-14T03:26:09-05:00August 3rd, 2024|Green Mountain Schist, News|Comments Off on Introducing Green Mountain Schist
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